If you’ve been keeping track of my various talks & workshops over the last year or so, you will have noticed that I’ve become a little obsessed with analysing images (see power of pixels and/or read more here).  As part of my PhD research, I’ve been using images to broaden students’ awareness of what is data, and data science, and it’s been so much fun!

If you’re in the Auckland area next week, you could come along to a workshop I’m running for R-Ladies and have some fun yourself using the statistical programming language R to explore images. The details for the workshop and how to sign up are here: https://www.meetup.com/rladies-auckland/events/255112995/


This is not a teaching-focused workshop, it’s more about learning fun and cool things you can do with images, like making GIFs like the one below….
Of course it’s a cat!
…. and other cool things, like classifying photos as cats or dogs, or finding the most similar drawing of a duck!

Duck duck stats!
It will be at an introductory level,  and you don’t need to be a “lady” to come along, just supportive of gender diversity in the R community (or more broadly, data science)! If you’ve never used R before, don’t worry – just bring yourself along with a laptop and we’ll look after you 🙂