Stats and cats

Recently I had the pleasure of chatting with one of our amazing learning designers (Dr Evija Trofimova) at Waipapa Taumata Rau (University of Auckland) about the undergraduate data technologies course I teach (STATS 220). Evija then wrote a teaching story based on some of the pedagogical approaches I have been using in this course, which […]

Exploring YouTube auto-captions

Back in June, I gave a five minute talk as part of the opening session of USCOTS – the U.S. Conference On Teaching Statistics. We were warned to practice our talks to make sure we keep to our time limit, which made me wonder how many words I could actually fit into five-minute talk. Since […]

Explorations in variation

Thinking about what it means to explore data, and how to teach students to explore data, has become a passion of mine ever since I started exploring teaching with a wider range of data. It started back in 20151, when I worked on rewriting a set of lectures for our very large introductory statistics course […]

An example of an experiment conducted online using the random redirect tool (

A few years back, I created the first version of the random redirect tool that now lives at I developed the tool to support New Zealand statistics students to conduct questionnaire-based experiments online, but soon started getting emails from Masters/PhD student and “actual” researchers about using the tool. I think that’s pretty cool, and […]

Exploring data landscapes and so much more

It was awesome to be one of the opening speakers at this year’s US Conference on Teaching Statistics this morning at 4am – thank you again Allan Rossman and Kelly McConville for the invitation! Each of the speakers had five minutes to share something related to the conference theme of Broadening horizons, and all of […]

Stats with Cats (and other animals)!

I wrote a guest post earlier this week for Allan Rossman’s excellent blog Ask Good Questions. If you aren’t already subscribed to Allan’s blog you should be! He spent a year writing a new post every week, so there are so many very good advice and ideas for teaching statistics on his blog. Allan’s work […]

A small sample of ideas

While I continue to decide whether to quit Facebook, I’ve been trying to keep on top of my admin responsibilities for the Stats Teachers NZ Facebook group while keeping an eye on any stats-related posts on the NZ Maths teachers Facebook group. Since not everyone is on Facebook, I thought I’d do a quick post […]

Go big or go home!

Introducing a new sub blog for teaching large introductory statistics lectures: Go big or go home!

Um ….. here’s a new tool for exploring probability distributions!

Actually, it’s not a new tool exactly, more a re-working of the existing modelling tool I’ve already shared on this blog, but with a new name and web location – the probability distribution explorer! I developed the probability distribution explorer as part of my Masters research into teaching probability distribution modelling. The proposed teaching framework […]

mathstatic site issues

Just a quick post to let you know that the site is hopefully only temporarily down, and I am working with my hosting company to get it back online ASAP. This affects the random redirect tool, the BYOP sampler tool and the experiment lab page, which will not be available until this gets sorted. […]