Stats and cats

Recently I had the pleasure of chatting with one of our amazing learning designers (Dr Evija Trofimova) at Waipapa Taumata Rau (University of Auckland) about the undergraduate data technologies course I teach (STATS 220). Evija then wrote a teaching story based on some of the pedagogical approaches I have been using in this course, which […]

An example of an experiment conducted online using the random redirect tool (

A few years back, I created the first version of the random redirect tool that now lives at I developed the tool to support New Zealand statistics students to conduct questionnaire-based experiments online, but soon started getting emails from Masters/PhD student and “actual” researchers about using the tool. I think that’s pretty cool, and […]

Exploring data landscapes and so much more

It was awesome to be one of the opening speakers at this year’s US Conference on Teaching Statistics this morning at 4am – thank you again Allan Rossman and Kelly McConville for the invitation! Each of the speakers had five minutes to share something related to the conference theme of Broadening horizons, and all of […]

Follow the data!

Last week I was down in Wellington for the VUW NZCER NZAMT16 Mathematics & Statistics Education Research Symposium, as well as for the NZAMT16 teacher conference. It was a huge privilege to be one of the keynote speakers and my keynote focused on teaching data science at the school level. I used the example of […]

Past and future talks and workshops

I’m pretty excited about the talks and workshops I’m doing over the next month or so! Below are the summaries or abstracts for each talk/workshop and when I get a chance I’ll write up some of the ideas presented in separate posts. Keynote: Searching for meaningful sampling in apple orchards, YouTube videos, and many other […]

Upcoming workshop: Using R to explore and exploit features of images

If you’ve been keeping track of my various talks & workshops over the last year or so, you will have noticed that I’ve become a little obsessed with analysing images (see power of pixels and/or read more here).  As part of my PhD research, I’ve been using images to broaden students’ awareness of what is data, and […]

The power of pixels: Modelling with images

This post provides the notes for the plenary I gave for the Auckland Mathematical Association (AMA) about usingĀ images as a source of data for teaching statistical investigations. You might be disappointed to find out that my talk (and this post) is not about the movie pixels, as my husband initially thought it was. It’s probably […]

Using data and simulation to teach probability modelling

This post provides the notes and resources for a workshop I ran for the Auckland Mathematical Association (AMA) on using data and simulation to teach probability modelling (specifically AS91585/AS91586). This post also includes notes about a workshop I ran for the AMA Statistics Teachers’ Day 2016 about my research into this area. Using data in different […]