Back in 2012 was when I first set up an online tool for taking a random sample from a hidden population. I didn’t share or promote this tool at the time because it was always meant to be a short term solution to a short term problem for my department. 2012 in NZ was the first year […]
I started work on a simple tool last year that would help students (and teachers) to conduct experiments online using Google forms. The plan was that the tool would take care of the necessary random allocation of treatments part of the experimental design through some background code that would send the respondent to one of two versions […]
This post provides the notes for a workshop I ran recently for the Auckland Mathematical Association (AMA) on developing statistics lessons that will engage students and promote statistical thinking. The workshop involved looking at some examples of the peer-reviewed lesson plans available from STEW (STatistics Education Web and discussing how to adapt these to the […]
Welcome to the last of the 10 ways to embrace the awesomeness that is our statistics curriculum! And maybe one of the most important. Teaching is an awesome job, made even “awesomer” by working with other teachers to get great stuff happening that benefits our students. Everyone needs friends and statistical friends are the […]
Assessment is awesome. How great is it when students complete a task and feel success with applying something they have learned? Without feedback on our work, how would we know which areas we need to improve? Assessment is important as it validates and values teaching and learning. The thing about assessment is that you are not going […]
For different topics I teach, I try to pull out what the three key aspects are that will be connected and tested to uncover student understanding. This approach is not the same as trying to define what happens at each stage of PPDAC. Trust me, I have developed detailed rubrics for every statistics standard and while […]
Being able to communicate an interpretation of a confidence interval is important. The reason why we care so much about students writing good investigative questions is so that when they come to answer these questions as a result of their exploration and analysis of the data, they are clear about what they were trying to […]
There is a lot of real data out there that can be used for learning about statistics. It’s important, though, to choose data with variables students can understand and can connect with. I was really inspired by a talk Rob Gould gave at the NZAMT conference in July 2015 about professional versus modern data (you […]
The New Zealand Income Survey SURF data set from Statistics New Zealand is a great resource (as are the many other awesome things available from Statistics New Zealand). I used this context and data set initially with a group of Year 13 students who had come through our “applied” pathway (see an earlier post on how […]