While I continue to decide whether to quit Facebook, I’ve been trying to keep on top of my admin responsibilities for the Stats Teachers NZ Facebook group while keeping an eye on any stats-related posts on the NZ Maths teachers Facebook group. Since not everyone is on Facebook, I thought I’d do a quick post […]
This post is first in a series of posts where I’m going to share some strategies for getting real data for real data stories, specifically to use for statistical investigations that require sample to population inference. As I write them, you will be able to find them all on this page. Key considerations for finding […]
This post provides the notes and resources for a workshop I ran for the Auckland Mathematical Association (AMA) on developing learning and formative assessment tasks for evaluating statistically-based reports (specifically AS91584). Notes for workshop The starter task for this workshop was based around a marketing leaflet I received in my letterbox for a local school back in […]
Have you noticed how Google sometimes gives the top page in your search results a little summary box? For example, if you Google “how to plan a honeymoon”, you get this: Since I didn’t do number two on this list, my job for tonight was to check out trains for our travel in the UK […]
We are super lucky in NZ to have something as important as statistical literacy not just written into our curriculum at all levels, but also formally assessed as part of our national qualifications system (NCEA). All of our students have to deal with messages given to them that are based on data, whether it be […]
This post provides the notes for a workshop I ran recently for the Auckland Mathematical Association (AMA) on developing statistics lessons that will engage students and promote statistical thinking. The workshop involved looking at some examples of the peer-reviewed lesson plans available from STEW (STatistics Education Web https://www.amstat.org/education/stew/) and discussing how to adapt these to the […]
This post provides the notes for an Ignite presentation I ran at the Christchurch Mathematical Association (CMA) 2015 Statistics Day on dealing with outliers. If you are not familiar with an Ignite presentation, it is 20 slides that auto-advance every 15 seconds for a total presentation of five minutes! I’ve finally decided to post my […]