For many high school teachers here in New Zealand, the teaching year is over and it’s now a six-week summer break before school starts again next year. Despite the well-deserved break, some teachers are already thinking about ideas for next year. I’ve been amazed (and inspired) by the teachers who have signed up to spend […]
Have you noticed how Google sometimes gives the top page in your search results a little summary box? For example, if you Google “how to plan a honeymoon”, you get this: Since I didn’t do number two on this list, my job for tonight was to check out trains for our travel in the UK […]
We are super lucky in NZ to have something as important as statistical literacy not just written into our curriculum at all levels, but also formally assessed as part of our national qualifications system (NCEA). All of our students have to deal with messages given to them that are based on data, whether it be […]