A stats cat in a square?
On Twitter a couple of days ago, I saw a tweet suggesting that if you mark out a square on your floor, your cat will sit in it. Nobody has had a more productive day than my mother pic.twitter.com/LK6KX9KM1x — Danielle Matheson (@prograpslady) April 10, 2017 Since I happen to have a floor, a […]

Using data and simulation to teach probability modelling
This post provides the notes and resources for a workshop I ran for the Auckland Mathematical Association (AMA) on using data and simulation to teach probability modelling (specifically AS91585/AS91586). This post also includes notes about a workshop I ran for the AMA Statistics Teachers’ Day 2016 about my research into this area. Using data in different […]

Developing learning and formative assessment tasks for evaluating statistically-based reports
This post provides the notes and resources for a workshop I ran for the Auckland Mathematical Association (AMA) on developing learning and formative assessment tasks for evaluating statistically-based reports (specifically AS91584). Notes for workshop The starter task for this workshop was based around a marketing leaflet I received in my letterbox for a local school back in […]

Ideas for using technology to design and carry out experiments online
This post provides the notes for a workshop I ran at the Otago Mathematics Association (OMA) conference about using technology to design and carry out experiments online. Actually, at the moment this post only provides a PDF of the slides I used for the workshop – I will update this post with more detail later this year […]

Initial adventures in Stickland
This post provides the notes for a workshop I ran at the Otago Mathematics Association (OMA) Conference about using data challenges to encourage statistical thinking. Until last week, I had never re-presented or adapted a workshop that I had developed in a previous year. So it really interesting to take this workshop on data challenges, which I […]

Mind the stats?
Have you noticed how Google sometimes gives the top page in your search results a little summary box? For example, if you Google “how to plan a honeymoon”, you get this: Since I didn’t do number two on this list, my job for tonight was to check out trains for our travel in the UK […]

Welcome to stickland!
I’ve been working on a little side project for the last year or so. I thought this might be a good time to share this with you, particularly since I probably (with a very high probability) won’t be making any more posts for the rest of the year due a few little things called a […]

When is a statistical report statistical enough?
We are super lucky in NZ to have something as important as statistical literacy not just written into our curriculum at all levels, but also formally assessed as part of our national qualifications system (NCEA). All of our students have to deal with messages given to them that are based on data, whether it be […]

How many of my emails will get rolled up this week?
At the start of the year I started using a service call unroll me with my gmail account. It allows you to wrap up regular or subscription emails into one daily email digest. It takes a number of months to setup the service to capture all your regular or subscription emails, but I have found it […]

Using statistics to plan a wedding
Sorry there have been no posts for a while. I have a whole stash of draft posts nearly ready to be published, but work, study, wedding planning and life in general have got in the way 🙂 One of the few posts I have made this year was about statistical modelling so I thought I’d quickly […]