
The data for each runner entered in the Auckland Marathon 2015 was obtained from This data is owned by the organisers of the Auckland Marathon and can not be used for commercial purposes unless by prior written permission from the organisers.

For each runner, the following was recorded:

  • bib number
  • name
  • time in hours (this is blank if the runner did not compete in the race)
  • place (this is blank if the runner did not compete in the race)
  • gender
  • division
  • age division
  • distance in km (this is blank if the runner did not compete in the race)
  • mean pace km per hr (this is blank if the runner did not compete in the race)

NB: This data set contains information about the five different races which are part of the Auckland Marathon 2015. It may be necessary to focus on just one of these races for a meaningful investigation, for example if comparing running times for male and female runners (whether as part of a sample-to-population inference or as part of exploring the population data).

Here is the population data set as a CSV file: all_races_auckland_marathon_2015_final