Want to make some awesome gift tags/labels for Christmas or holiday-related presents? Here’s a fun little statistical art project. Write whatever words you want in the app below, create some secret snowflakes (the secret part being no one else will know what words you used unless of course you choose to display them), play around with colours if you want (uncheck the option to use random colours), freeze the snowflakes when you get something you like, download your masterpiece and use in some way.

Oh yeah, the snowflakes are made by rotating each letter in the words in a magical statistical way (i.e. randomness).

To make our gift labels, I made the first colour white (the background #ffffff), made the other two colours black (#000000), and then printed on to adhesive sticker paper I had left over from our wedding.

Enjoy and have a great holiday break!

Secret snowflakes app should be shown below (otherwise here is the link) – works best using a Chrome browser 🙂