How do we deal with outliers?
This post provides the notes for an Ignite presentation I ran at the Christchurch Mathematical Association (CMA) 2015 Statistics Day on dealing with outliers. If you are not familiar with an Ignite presentation, it is 20 slides that auto-advance every 15 seconds for a total presentation of five minutes! I’ve finally decided to post my […]

censusatschool.org.nz + iNZight lite = awesome
This is a short post about exploring data from Census at school NZ using the online version of iNZight. Have you use the random sampler lately on Census at School? Did you know that it now links your random sample through to iNZight lite? Head to http://new.censusatschool.org.nz/explore and click on button that says “get a random sample”. Follow the instructions […]

Writing report comments ….. using a little bit of statistics :-)
This is a post about my new tool to help write report comments for statistics (and mathematics) students. You can find it under the new “Tools” menu, but you might want to read the stuff below first to find out how it works 🙂 A very brief history of my approach to writing report comments…. […]

How long does it take a student to submit a swear word into a text analysis tool?
Update on the predictive text challenge I haven’t heard anything from anyone with any problems, and there seems to be a bit of traffic to the challenge page, so hopefully this is going well. I’ll allow checking of the first list of reserved words tomorrow. Students should put in what they predict the readability score […]

Probability teaching ideas using simulation
This post provides some teaching examples for using an online probability simulation tool. It’s a supplement to the workshop I offered for the NZAMT 2015 conference. Probability simulation tool I recently developed a very basic online probability simulation tool . I wanted a simulation tool that would run online without using applets or flash (tablet compatible). I also wanted […]

Statistics lesson starter: Is this really surprising?
A supermarket is running a promotion. For every $20 you spend, you will receive one domino. There are 50 dominoes to collect. I received 10 dominoes for my last shop and was surprised to find that all 10 dominoes were different. Should I have been surprised? Explain 🙂 Update after some more shopping…

Exploring statistical measures by estimating the ages of famous people
This lesson focuses on developing student understanding of statistical measures. It is a re-working of a workshop I offered for the NZAMT 2009 conference. This lesson is awesome because students drive the development of a measure for determining the best “age estimator”. I was introduced to the activity when I was at teachers’ college, and […]

Statistics teaching ideas based on ….. the alphabet!
This post focuses on randomness, simulations and probability. 10 quick ideas…… Choose five letters (e.g. A, B, D, N, U) and display these together. For the rest of these ideas to work, choose letters that can go together to make three letter words (avoid certain words!). Ask students to randomly select one of the letters and […]