mathstatic site issues

Just a quick post to let you know that the site is hopefully only temporarily down, and I am working with my hosting company to get it back online ASAP. This affects the random redirect tool, the BYOP sampler tool and the experiment lab page, which will not be available until this gets sorted. I’ll update this post soon with a progress update!
It seems the issue is that some overseas dodgy folk have been using the random redirect tool for fraudalent things like phishing scams. So, I’m going to restrict the URLs that can be used – which means analysis time to identify which sites/URL patterns to accept e.g. Google forms, survey monkey etc. 🙂
UPDATE TWO is back up and running! It probably was a couple of hours ago, but I have been rewriting the code that processes the random redirect requests. Below are the main changes to the random redirect tool to better prevent issues in the future.
Due to abuse of this tool by dodgy folk, only links with domains on the approved list will now be accepted! Please complete this form to request a domain to be added to the approved list, but don’t expect any new additions to happen any time soon (this is a free tool remember and was created for simple classroom-based randomised experiments with Google forms).
Any random redirect URLs created using this tool can be disabled at any time. If this has happened to you and you are a legitimate teacher, educator or researcher, then send me an email and I might be able to help you.
After emailing me this morning to say everything was sorted with, my webhosting company then decided to set my site to “maintenance” mode this afternoon and remove some crucial code used to redirect the URLs to the right locations on my website 🙁 I’m trying to get things rest back to what they were now.
Well, I had been meaning to retire the old website anyway! I’m not sure when mathstatic will be online again, so:
- You can now set up random redirects here: (this will be the place to do this from now on!)
- You can access the BYOP sampler here: (this will be the place to do this from now on!)
- At some point soon I’ll move the experiment lab to but not today, so for now it is unavailable.
I think that’s everything. If there is something else not working, then please let me know!