Some ideas for using Google questions and “answers” to inspire in-lecture investigations with students.
Author: Anna Fergusson
Anna is a Lecturer in the Department of Statistics, University of Auckland.
An argument for using chocolate in lectures
A short whole class activity that uses the lure of chocolate to introduce hypothesis testing.
ZOOMifying a face-to-face activity
An example of transforming a face-to-face activity to an online synchronous activity.
Reflecting on the design of a large-scale interactive
Revisiting one of my old interactives and reflecting on its design.
Tell me something truthfully…
A quick writing activity I use at the start of lectures.
Using drawings of cats* as a source of data
Some ideas for using drawings to teach statistical concepts.
Exploring modern data in a large introductory statistic course
My talk at ICOTS10 about exploring Instagram data featuring the Eiffel Tower.
Large-scale interactives for large-enrolment courses
My talk at JSM18 about using large-scale interactives in intro stats courses.
Towards greater interactivity in large lectures
Some foundational ideas for the “Go big or go home” project.