I started work on a simple tool last year that would help students (and teachers) to conduct experiments online using Google forms. The plan was that the tool would take care of the necessary random allocation of treatments part of the experimental design through some background code that would send the respondent to one of two versions […]
This is a short post about exploring data from Census at school NZ using the online version of iNZight. Have you use the random sampler lately on Census at School? Did you know that it now links your random sample through to iNZight lite? Head to http://new.censusatschool.org.nz/explore and click on button that says “get a random sample”. Follow the instructions […]
This is a post about my new tool to help write report comments for statistics (and mathematics) students. You can find it under the new “Tools” menu, but you might want to read the stuff below first to find out how it works 🙂 A very brief history of my approach to writing report comments…. […]