Age is just a number

Today I demonstrated some in-class interactive activities that I had developed for my super large intro statistics lectures at a teaching and learning symposium. I’ve shared a summary of the activities and the data below.
Quick summary of the activity
1. Head to upload or take a photo of yourself and record the age given by the #HowOldRobot
2. Complete a Google form (or similar) with your actual age and the age given by the #HowOldRobot
3. Explore the data collected using an awesome free online tool like iNZight Lite (click the link to jump through with the data)
4. Watch this short video featuring Joy Buolamwini to learn more about facial recognition software and discuss algorithmic bias
Some other ideas
If you haven’t already, check out, where you can sample some cat (and other) drawings and learn more about how people draw in the Google game Quick, Draw!
I also get students to draw things in class and use their drawings as data. Below are all the drawings of cats made from the demonstration today, and also from the awesome teachers who helped me out last night. If you click/touch and hold a drawing you will be able to drag it around. How many different ways can you sort the drawings into groups?