Back in July 2018, I presented a paper at the International Conference on Teaching Statistics in Kyoto, Japan, all about introducing modern data exploring modern data in a large introductory statistic course.
The talk focused on my use of Instagram posts about the Eiffel Tower, France, and the new learning activities developed for the first two weeks of our intro stats course. One of the new activities involved develop an app used during the lecture, where students view photos taken within 500 m of the Eiffel Tower, and have to record if the photo contains the Eiffel Tower or not. You can access the paper and the slides from the talk here:
Later in the year I presented a talk about these activities at the Mathematical and Computational Sciences Showcase for Alumni, where I used the motivation of creating postcard from Paris based on Instagram data to tell the story of the exploration. You can read more about this talk here and the slides from this talk are embedded below.
Anna is a Lecturer in the Department of Statistics, University of Auckland.