An overview of the recent talk I gave at the Sage event on supercharging your quantitative online teaching.
Author: Rhys C Jones
Rhys is a Professional Teaching Fellow in Statistics and Director of the Science Scholars Programme at the University of Auckland.
Prep for success
Some tips for alleviating the stress students feel towards tests and exams.
Let’s talk about it
Some tips on how to get conversations flowing in large lectures or online.
Is context king?
Practical points to think about when deciding on contexts to use for teaching statistical concepts, and ideas to help you deliver an engaging and motivating data exploration!
Near, far, wherever you are, data exploration will go ON!!!
Teaching remotely – take two!
Feel good hooks
A summary of the interactives I developed to engage and motivate my intro stats students during lockdown.
Building identity with large student cohorts
Building cohort identity to facilitate an improvement in students’ engagement and motivation.
Designing experiments en masse
An activity to promote in-class discussion about experiment design.